Monday, April 6, 2009

An Introduction to Egyptian Makeup

Egyptian makeup was much more than just for vanity it was thought to have spiritual and medicinal properties. Their cosmetic cream concoctions consisted of beeswax, oils, or other fatty substances, even fly dung!  While their powders contained powdered ores and finely ground gems such as lapiz lazuli. 

Eyes: Laurinite, phosgenite, crushed gems, minerals, burnt almonds, and even expensive spices like yellow- colored saffron was combined with water or animal fat to make unguent (a creamy paste) for eyeshadow before the egyptian well-known eyeliner made of green melachite or Galena otherwise known as kohl (the blue-grey natural mineral form of lead sulfide a very dangerous toxic substance!) It was also used as a form of mascara.

Lips: red ochre (hydrated iron oxide) or dregs from wine were combined with gum or resin for a lip color or face paint. 

Face: Chalk was used as a cleansing cream or foundation. 

Perfume: Egyptian perfumes were very expensive and famous for their good quality throughout the Mediterranean. Popular scents were: lily, cinnamon, orange, myrrh, frankincense, lime and sandalwood. They contained from various flowers, woods, leaves, and spices combined with purified animal fat or wax.  And not only were they were very fragrant but long-lasting as well, records show that a one egyptian perfume was able smell like new even after eight years! Egyptian perfumes were made in the following three ways: by soaking flowers in layers of fats to make it into a cream or pomade, the ingredients were dipped into fats or oils that were heated 65  celsius then allowed to cool and shaped into balls or cones, or expressed into an essence from flowers or seeds in a way a wine maker makes from fruit.

Breath: To promote good breath egyptians chewed parsley or other herbs.

Hair+ Nails: Henna was used as a natural hair-coloring agent and as a natural nail polish.

You can buy kohl online, just make sure it is lead-free!  Real kohl comes in a box with a stick applicator. And a proper kohl stick is slightly rounded at the end.

Proper way to apply Kohl
1. Wet the application stick.
2. Dip the stick into the bottle and shake slightly so the makeup is able to attach to the applicator. 
3. Apply the stick onto the inner corner of the eye.
4. Lightly close your eyes and slowly draw the stick outwards between your closed eye and the kohl will leave a smudgy line onto both your top and bottom eyelids.

Henna Hair color
This healthy alternative to commercial dyes was used by the egyptians for hundreds of years and it also has the ability to relax coarse curls. The color added from the dye depends on the previous existing color. For blondes the result will be a brilliant bright red, brunettes will have a auburn effect, and dark brown and black hair will have reddish highlights.  And the more often you use henna in your hair the deeper the henna shade you will obtain.

1. Mix henna powder and add lemon juice or water into a paste. Do not add essential oils!
2. Cover it with plastic wrap and leave it for overnight. You can tell the dye is releasing color when you push back with a spoon to see that the paste is a little bit darker on top then the bottom layer.
3. Wear gloves so that your hands don't stain and apply a thick layer on hair (short hair uses 100g and hair medium/long needs about 300-400g).
4. Wrap in the hair  with plastic and leave it on for 2-4 hours or even longer if needed. 
5. Rinse hair until water is clear.
6. The color will develop in a few days  (3-4 days to be exact) being very bright at first then darken as time goes by.

Henna Nails
Henna dyes your nails a brilliant orange that will last until the nail grows out. However, the tips of the nails will lighten from wear over time. To avoid the "half-moon look" apply henna every 3-4 weeks.

1. The same henna paste used to make henna tattoos could be used on your nails. The best way to apply to your nails is to use a Jacquard bottle or mylar cone. 
2. Apply a thick amount of henna to your nails carefully and avoiding the skin around your nails. Let dry for 30-60 minutes. 
3. Leave the paste on for at least 3 hours or even overnight since the color will be darker the longer henna stays on.  You can even apply a coat of liquid latex that is sold through costume or theatrical makeup retailers after the paste dries. The paste will re-wet the underneath henna layer for maximum staining results and prevent the paste to come on the skin. 
For overnight henna nail staining apply henna then the liquid latex after the henna dries and wrap fingers with toilet paper before going to bed, unwrapping and removing the paste in the morning.
4. Remove the paste with lemon juice and keep water off nails for at least 12 hours if that is possible. The color will develop from bright orange to darker colors overtime (a couple of days). 

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